Haunting -
Cleansing Walkthrough
If you live or work in a house or property that is haunted, I will clear the ghosts from the area, during a paranormal investigation called a "walkthrough." Room by room, I will search for entities and portals. I am a co-conscious trance medium or channeler, and as I cleanse an area, invisible beings often tell their stories out loud using my voice. I am under the protection of my spiritual guides at all times. My guide will help me transition the entities permanently away from you.​​
Personal - Individual
Spirit Attachment Removal
Do you feel you are constantly drained of energy or have mysterious physical symptoms or outbursts of emotion? Or maybe you sense a voice pushing you to say or do things you don't want to do. If you feel you have an entity attached to you or oppressing you personally or if you feel you or someone you know are actually possessed by an evil presence, I will work methodically with you to remove it. Curses, soul retrieval and ancestral contracts can also be addressed.​
Spiritual Energy
If you want to lift the energetic frequency of a living or working space, I am available to give the house or business a "Space Lift." Objects have a history and hold energy (and spirits). This is a different type of paranormal investigation of a house or property. I will go room by room to locate the objects which are emanating the negative frequencies disrupting your space. Sometimes you will be surprised which objects are causing the problems! ​